MiG, Mi, Su & Co. Sämtliche Militärflugzeuge und -hubschrauber der DDR: Banach, Bußmann, Girke,
Meißner, Willisch, Freundt (Hrsg.): Aerolit Verlag 2002
The long awaited book lists the military aircraft used by the armed forces of the GDR (East Germany), among
them (as far as known) all German MiG-21. An excellent job done by the authors and a must for every GDR aviation
Flugzeuge der DDR. Typenbuch der Militär- und Zivilluftfahrt Band 1 - 4: Billig, Meyer: TOM Modellbau 2002 -
Emerged from a series of articles published in the German aviation magazine
FLiEGERREVUE in four volumes with comprehensive text and picture material an
overview of all aircraft flown in the GDR (East Germany) is given. The chapters on the MiG-21 comprise 62 pages, about
150 photos as well as almost 30 drawings.
(In German)
11-80, katapultieren Sie!: Bußmann, Kleest, Freundt (Hrsg.): AeroLit Verlag 2004
Detailed list of accidents in GDR (East German) military aviation between 1953 und 1990.
(In German)
Jagdflieger. Eine Betrachtung zur Geschichte des Jagdfliegergeschwaders Juri Gagarin: Zimmermann: HW-Verlag 2007
The book is rather a traditional regiment chronicle with some additions from today's point of view than a historical reflexion.
This work's most interesting parts consist of memories of former members of the regiment. It is illustrated with both documentary
photos and obscure conglomeration of pictures from the web.
(In German)
Von der MiG-19 zur MiG-29. Flugplatz Preschen bis 1994: Rudolph, Kiesel: Eigenverlag 2005
Though not mentioned in title the MiG-21 was the major combat aircraft of the Preschen based units JG-3 (fighter wing)
TAFS-47 (recce squadron). The book tells the story of the airfield mainly on the basis of photo documents, but
spelling mistakes, numerous repetitions, unexplained abbreviations and a unprofessional layout a make it difficult
to read.
Die Geschichte und Entwicklung des Jagdfliegergeschwaders 8 im Rahmen der Luftstreitkräfte /
Luftverteidigung der DDR: Patzer, Lange, Johst: DAGRA 2000
Long title for a small booklet about 8th fighter regiment of the East German Air Force with a lot of historic
(In German)
Der Flugplatz Neuhardenberg Marxwalde Neuhardenberg: Lang, Materna: Arenhövel 1998
Altough only a small part of this publication is dedicated to the Marxwalde-based JG-8 some of the documentary
pictures are remarkable.
(In German)
MiGs über Peenemünde: Kanetzki: AeroLit 2001
History of Peenemünde based flying units (JG-9, ZDK-33, FTB-9). The first true chronicle of a LSK/LV
(East German Air Force) fighter wing. Contents lots of facts about the units and every day's service in LSK/LV
as well as detailed lists of Peenemünde based aircraft.
(In German)
"Fliegen Sie sich frei!": Spur: Arbeitskreis Sächsische Militärgeschichte 2006
History of flight training with the NVA (East German Army) and of the MiG-21 equipped JAG / FAG-15 at
Rothenburg. Basically a succesion of well known facts without red thread.
(In German)
Als Pilot in zwei deutschen Luftwaffen: Beyreuther: Detlev Mönch 2006
Memoirs of Uwe Beyreuther who was flying MiG-21 with the LSK/LV (East German Air Force) and F-4 Phantom II with
Bundesluftwaffe (Wet German Air Force). Nicely written and interesting stories, one of these was published in
the album (German only) of MiG-21.de before the book came out. |
Erlebnis MiG-21: Maxwitat
Memoirs of the former East German Air Force instructor pilot Karl-Heinz Maxwitat.
(In German)
DHS Mikojan-Gurewitsch MiG-21F-13: Willisch: PeCom 1998
Service history of the MiG-21F-13 with the LSK/LV. With many documentary photographs and a list of all
East German MiG-21F-13.
(In German)
DHS Mikojan-Gurewitsch MiG-21U: Vogt, Willisch: PeCom 1999
Continuation of DHS series dedicated to the service of the first twin-seater version of the MiG-21 with the
GDR Air Force.
(In German)
DHS Mikojan-Gurewitsch MiG-21PF SPS SPS-K: Willisch: Bmvd 2002
Issue no. 6 of DHS series about the second generation MiG-21 versions PF and PFM (the latter designated SPS and SPS-K
respectively in East German service). With lots of pictures, but also with many mistakes.
(In German)
DHS Mikojan-Gurewitsch MiG-21F-13 U: Willisch: Bmvd 2004
Summary of the previous issues on the MiG-21F-13 and MiG-21U with a few new pictures. Though not all aspects of the
this versions service with the East German Air Force are covered now a central thread can be found.
(In German)