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The OKB MiG and its Aircraft

The Mikoyan / Gurevich OKB (experimental design bureau) was founded in 1939. It has been the most important supplier of tactical fighter aircraft to the Soviet Air Force. Since the opening of the archives in Russia MiG design bureau stands in the focus of attention.

ОКБ им. А.И. Микояна. 60 лет: Центр Авиации и Космонавтики
Chronicle of OKB MiG history with numerous new facts, diagrams showing the development of MiG aircraft families and a gallery of about 300 members of OKB MiG's senior staff.
(In Russian)

OKB MiG: Butowski, Miller: Midland Counties Publications 1991
Despite of many errors the best and most comprehensive work on MiG design bureau with lots of photos and (very small) drawings. The work of OKB MiG is shown in historical context.

MiG Aircraft since 1937: Gunston, Gordon: Putnam 1998
Extensive work of two well known aviation authors but without new information for readers of their previous books.

MiG 1939 - 1989: Belyakov, Marmain: Docavia 33, Lariviere 1991
One of the first comprehensive books after the end of the Cold War with beautiful pictures of prototypes.
(In French)

MiG. Fifty Years of Secret Aircraft Design: Belyakov, Marmain: Airlife 1994
English version of MiG 1939 - 1989. The book does not keep the promise of its title. Information from inside the design bureau is missing.

Самолеты "МиГ" 1939 - 1995: Беляков, Мармен: Авико Пресс 1996
The Russian version of MiG 1939 - 1989 contains some additional photographs and as mentioned in title additions from the early nineties.
(In Russian)

"МиГ" Между Прошлым и Будущим: Рестарт 2002
Published to celebrate the 70th anniversary of SOKOL Nishni Novgorod (former GAZ 21 Gorki) this book gives an overview of the production range of the factory, which mainly consisted of MiG types. With a detailed listing of the MiG-21 production.
(In Russian)

MiG-Flugzeuge: Eyermann: transpress 1987
Overview of the then known MiG types (the MiG-29 was mentioned for the first time in the 1988 edition).
(In German)

MiG's Aviation Fact File: Sweetman: Salamander 1985
Outstanding in size only. Facts are missing.

MiG Dynasty: Oliver: Airlife 1990
Beautiful photographs of MiGs from all over the world. The pictures of U.S. Air Force aggressors are unnecessary.