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Lutz Freundt (Ed.), Stefan Büttner
Rote Plätze
Russian Military Airfields
Germany 1945 - 1994
German airfields - Soviet airfields - Derelict military areas
Aerolit Publishing 2007


300 pages, 575 pictures including 110 aerial views, format: 26 x 20 cm,
ISBN: 978-3-93552-511-4


Rote Plätze (literally Red Squares, but meaning airfields = Flugplätze) the first really comprehensive publication on Soviet / Russian military airfields in Germany not only covers deployment of air force units and aircraft but also provides a deep insight into development, design and funktion of infrastructure elements (manoeuvering areas, buildings and shelters).

A particular virtue is authors' systematic approach to this range of topics: Starting with Soviet occupied airfields in former German Eastern provinces the airfield descriptions are divided in regions. The chapters on properties in Soviet zone of occupation, GDR (East Germany) and (reunited) Germany are introduced by a systemising description of infrastructure elements making understanding the following chapters easier. The consistent structure of all airfield descriptions consisting of location, runway, history, infrastructure, use (based units / aircraft types) and further development and the completeness of the details attached to these aspects with facts illustrates the sheer amount of material collected by the authors.

The high standards - especially compared to hobby historians and historiography in mass media - claimed by the authors in their foreword are met by the book to the full extent.

