- that means the "personal" aircraft of the author - was the MiG-21bis LASUR serialled 879 (construction no. 75033219) of the 3rd JS (Jagdfliegerstaffel = fighter squadron) of JG-8 (Jagdfliegergeschwader = fighter wing) "Hermann Matern" at Marxwalde (now renamed Neuhardenberg). In November 1989 the appointment as a technician (= person, who is technically responsible for the aircraft) took place. Already in August 1990 the beginning dissolution of the NVA (Nationale Volksarmee = National People's Army) stopped this short military "career". The following pictures were taken secretly in summer 1990. Though the political changes already had reached all other fields of GDR's society, it was difficult for many senior ranks in the NVA to part with old ideas and security measures practiced over decades.
Technician's and aircraft's last flying service took place August 15, 1990. Flight data as always was documented duly: After that 879 flew only once again: on December 9, 1990 to the storage depot at Drewitz.
From there it was - partially dismantled - taken to Dresden for scrapping. Only a document remained: