| "My" MiG |
- that means the "personal" aircraft of the author - was the
MiG-21bis LASUR serialled 879 (construction no. 75033219) of the 3rd JS (Jagdfliegerstaffel = fighter squadron) of JG-8
(Jagdfliegergeschwader = fighter wing) "Hermann Matern" at Marxwalde (now renamed Neuhardenberg). In November 1989
the appointment as a technician (= person, who is technically responsible for the aircraft) took place. Already in August
1990 the beginning dissolution of the NVA (Nationale Volksarmee = National People's Army) stopped this short military
The following pictures were taken secretly in summer 1990. Though the political changes already had reached all other
fields of GDR's society, it was difficult for many senior ranks in the NVA to part with old ideas and security measures
practiced over decades.
There were two photo shootings with the 879 and its last regular technician: one with a many years old and weathered
colour scheme ...
... and some weeks later newly painted for the remaining service life - of which no-one knew how short it would be.
(Photos: Marco Hanisch).
The NVA probably was the only army of the world where conscripts ranked sergeant could become technician of a fighter
This measure was due to staff shortage and it seems the persons responsible for that felt very uneasy about it -
there were no official documents which confirmed this appointment. Instead a nice hand-made certificate was handed
over to the young technicians.
Technician's and aircraft's last flying service took place August 15, 1990. Flight data as always was documented duly:
After that 879 flew only once again: on December 9, 1990 to the storage depot at Drewitz.
Stored at Drewitz:
the 879 with Bundeswehr (Federal Armed Forces) serial 24 32 and the MDSG (storage and sales company) registration
01 0020.
(Photo: author's collection).
From there it was - partially dismantled - taken to Dresden for scrapping. Only a document remained:
