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February 14, 1955 Maiden flight of the Ye-2 prototype (swept wing and RD-9 engine)
June 16, 1955 Maiden flight of the Ye-4 prototype (delta wing and RD-9 engine)
January 9, 1956 Maiden flights of the Ye-5 (delta wing and R11 engine) and Ye-50 prototypes (swept wing with RD-9 engine and additional rocket engine S-155)
February 17, 1956 Maiden flight of the prototype Ye-2A (swept wing and R11 engine)
June 24, 1956 First public appearance of the Ye-2 Ye-4 and Ye-5 prototypes at Tushino air display
1957 Pre-series production of MiG-21 without suffix at Tbilisi
May 20, 1958 Maiden flight of the Ye-6 (delta wing and R11 engine - prototype of the MiG-21F)
August 10, 1959 Maiden flight of the Ye-7 (enlarged intake cone - prototype of the MiG-21PF)
October 31, 1959 World speed record set by Ye-6/3 (E-66) over the 15/25 km course at 2388 km/h
Autumn 1959 Start of series production at Gorki
March 1960 Delivery of first production aircraft to Soviet Air Force
September 16, 1960 World speed record set by Ye-6/3 (E-66) over the closed 100 km course at 2148 km/h
Summer 1960 Start of series production at Tbilisi
October 17, 1960 Maiden flight of the Ye-6U (prototype of the MiG-21U)
April 28, 1961 World height record set by E-66A (additional rocket engine S-3) at 34714 m
Summer 1961 Delivery of the first export aircraft to Czechoslovakia (pattern aircraft for licence production) and Poland
April 20, 1962 Maiden flight of MiG-21 (S-106 / Z-159F) from Czechoslovak production
1962 Start of series production at Moscow
January 17, 1966 Maiden flight of MiG-21 (J-7) from Chinese production
June 16, 1966 Maiden flight of the Ye-7PD (STOL with lift engines)
Late 1966 Start of series production in India (Nasik)
June, 1967 Start of series production in China (Chengdu)
March 6, 1972 End of series production in Czechoslovakia
1974 End of series production at Moscow
December 30, 1978 Maiden flight of the J-7II
1984 End of series production in India
1984 Maiden flight of the J-7M
April 26, 1984 Maiden flight of the J-7III
1985 End of series production at Gorki
July, 1985 Maiden flight of the JJ-7
December 1986 End of series production at Tbilisi
May, 1990 Maiden flight of the J-7E
August, 1991 Maiden flight of the J-7D (J-7IIIA)
May 24, 1995 Maiden flight of the MiG-21 2000
May 25, 1995 Maiden flight of the MiG-21-93
August 22, 1995 Maiden flight of the MiG-21 LanceR
June, 2002 Maiden flight of the J-7G
December 13, 2003 Maiden flight of the JL-9 / FTC-2000
May, 2013 End of series production of J-7
September 26, 2016 End of series production of JJ-7
19. December 2024 End of MiG-21's service in Europe