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 | OdesAviaRemServis (Ukraine) 2008 |
On March 27, 2008 the author went to Odessa for a second visit to OdesAviaRemServis.
Just arrived: This Egyptian MiG-21MF will be overhauled during the next six months.
After delivering the MiG-21MF this Egyptian C-130 Hercules heads home with an overhauled MiG-21RF on board.
Following completion of acceptance checks a Yemen Air Force MiG-21bis is moved to another parking position where
it will remain until delivery.
Angolan MiG-23UB. Angola is now one of the biggest operators of the MiG-23.
An Angolan Air Force MiG-23ML is loaded into a shipping crate. Engine and aggregates are covered to prevent damage
during transport.
A company-owned L-39 is prepared for a test flight.
Among the aircraft stored at the company yard is this Ukrainian MiG-23ML.
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